Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Google is pressing the "big data" cycle..

For more than 5 years, LMN Solutions has focused on advanced data processing techniques for very large data sets. While we've focused on mostly enterprise data challenges, Google has been a trailblazer in the consumer area since the late 90's. LinkedIn has built on Google's techniques to create an extensive capability to correlate and connect individuals using graph techniques and extensive doctoral resources. I think a blend of the 2 approaches may yield major advances in the commercial sector via a new "managed service" model. It will be interesting to see how BigQuery changes how companies transition piles of data into useful information. See the link below...


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Google & Motorola - Is this where Google TV takes off?

I found Google's recent acquisition of Motorola Mobility very interesting. As companies push to make their products available and easy to use on the latest mobile platforms, it appears Google is targeting the "center of the sphere". What do I mean by that? Well, if I were a company that wants to "manage the world's information" (like Google), I would look for a way to inject myself into the consciousness of people making buy/sell decisions and living their daily lives. Motorola leads the set-top box business and provides a natural integration point for Google TV. The US market in particular is crazy about watching TV and supports a massive marketing environment. If you combined native support within the set-top box for Google TV AND incorporated location-based services for ads/marketing specific to each consumer, what you could create is an in-home/office "mind-presence" for Google to suggest/push/connect people with items they use each day. LMN Solutions is working on a concept related to latent semantic indexing and behavior pattern identification (for very large data sets) and what if Google started doing a similar thing with your email/feeds (most people already have a "profile" in Google they use for their Ad sense anyway)? They could then begin to show ads/sales/marketing snippets/videos within your Google TV instance native to your set-top box. Talk about a natural integration point. I look forward to seeing what happens.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

LMN Solutions: Happy 5th Birthday

On January 21, 2010, LMN Solutions officially completed 5 years in business. While typically viewed as a major milestone, we view this as a good initial step on which to build new ideas and develop new markets. On March 11, 2010, we held a small celebration for our team. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to LMN Solutions, Inc.

Monday, March 8, 2010

We keep ourselves fit mentally and physically..

At LMN Solutions, we engage in daily events focused on expanding our knowledge within technology and process areas. We also encourage regular fitness and participation in our corporate softball team and external wellness programs. Check out a glimpse of what "many" LMNers finish prior to 8AM each day...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Interesting move and could be a major boost to Google Apps...

Our company uses Google technology for corporate infrastructure as well as technology solutions. We've often created documents in Google Apps, but found the editing features somewhat difficult and far behind the native capabilities within the Microsoft Office suite. I wonder if this acquisition will change our online editing and file sharing experience.....


Monday, August 24, 2009

Leadership: It's not as commonly understood as you might think

A very important aspect within the LMN Solutions culture is the concept of making a situation (team event, project, or research activity) improve through strong leadership and collaboration. This is a key aspect of leading within diverse environments to accomplish specific projects. As with most programs, the ability to translate user job activities into correct requirements is an important factor related to project delivery. At LMN, we feel the most important principle is developing people to work together and balance individual goals with the greater objectives of a team. In the technology world where being viewed as an evangelic and uber-intelligent resource is desired by many, a true integrated team-concept can be challenging. However, we have a solution that works very well for us. At LMN Solutions, we include academic and market leading staff development and training, but the galvanizing element includes significant leadership training within the company. Our "force multiplier mechanism" involves a combination of customized training by team leads, peers, and LMN management designed to enhance the specific needs of each LMN teammate. Progress is measured monthly with the full impact observed within the respective project assignments. Interviews of clients confirm proficiency levels and identify new areas for continuous improvement. The goal is to have each LMN teammate elevate people/processes around them to accomplish successful solutions. We pride ourselves in our excellence and customer delivery through exemplary leadership. To find out more about our leadership training, contact us at services.lmnsolutions.com.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We Are Pyramids....

As a small business, we've developed our reputation by combining a strong blend of strategic thinking and technical excellence. We've developed a highly diverse team focused on the delivery of mission focused solutions, advanced education, and innovative technology concepts. With the changing financial climate, the need to provide tangible results is more critical than ever before.

The graphic to the right (and above) is my view of talented small businesses operating within several unique markets. One such environment includes the dominant presence of many large systems integrators. Our company maintains excellent relationships with these partners and respects their ability to meet the demands of large scale programs. After a successful engagement, we look for additional opportunities in which to "team" for high value technology solutions.

The key question: What happens next?

We tend to move quickly to the next program/project and continue hiring bright minds for new assignments. The failing part of the equation is the lack of business partnerships with other small businesses. Large corporations aggressively compete for talent and contracts. They even attempt to distinguish themselves by highlighting perceived deficiencies of fellow large competitors. However, they've also mastered the art of strategic teaming. Large companies team within areas of product and service "overlap" as well as complimentary offerings to provide value to end customers. This also addresses the ability to support large scale programs within a particular market.

Small businesses appear to suffer from a form of insecurity due to their size, similar skills, or lack of a defined business strategy. Instead of building relationships to make their offerings stronger and expand their presence, small companies "huddle" to prevent their perceived small competitors from hiring away talent or outpacing their growth. This is a large problem that restricts what should be the ultimate goal of each small business - growth, diversification, refinement of offerings, and solid infrastructure. Instead, poor relationships are matched with even worse perspectives on business strategy (especially within tech-centric markets) and financial planning. Large companies benefit by this lack of vision by furthering their profit "centers" and limiting the amount of market penetration of new firms (based on scale/financing needs). With the economic crisis and objectives of buying organizations to become more efficient in spending (which means leaner budgets), small companies must begin to think in a more strategic and agile way - lest they become ancient like the pyramids of Giza.