Monday, August 24, 2009

Leadership: It's not as commonly understood as you might think

A very important aspect within the LMN Solutions culture is the concept of making a situation (team event, project, or research activity) improve through strong leadership and collaboration. This is a key aspect of leading within diverse environments to accomplish specific projects. As with most programs, the ability to translate user job activities into correct requirements is an important factor related to project delivery. At LMN, we feel the most important principle is developing people to work together and balance individual goals with the greater objectives of a team. In the technology world where being viewed as an evangelic and uber-intelligent resource is desired by many, a true integrated team-concept can be challenging. However, we have a solution that works very well for us. At LMN Solutions, we include academic and market leading staff development and training, but the galvanizing element includes significant leadership training within the company. Our "force multiplier mechanism" involves a combination of customized training by team leads, peers, and LMN management designed to enhance the specific needs of each LMN teammate. Progress is measured monthly with the full impact observed within the respective project assignments. Interviews of clients confirm proficiency levels and identify new areas for continuous improvement. The goal is to have each LMN teammate elevate people/processes around them to accomplish successful solutions. We pride ourselves in our excellence and customer delivery through exemplary leadership. To find out more about our leadership training, contact us at